The Day Americans Cast Ballots: Seniors and Election Day

November 23, 2022
On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, Americans over 18 across the country cast ballots to make their voices heard. This date has come to be known as Election Day. Voters will decide governors, senators, representatives, state legislators, and local town officials. At Prep, many seniors can vote this year for the first time, casting their ballots to decide the outcome of this crucial election. Unfortunately, many young people decide not to cast their ballots. In a democracy, it is important for all who are of voting age to be fully represented in this nation.
Senior Gianni Echeverria cast his vote in person on November 8. He described it as truly life-changing: “It’s one of those moments where you realize you’re not a kid anymore, and you really have a say in what happens. I would always go voting with both my parents on Election Day, but going into the voting booth and casting my own vote gave me a sense of freedom. I thought back to my AP Government and Politics class with Mr. Verdi, and I remembered how he would constantly remind us that one day we would be participating in everything we had learned about; that day finally came,” Gianni said. “Voting is how we implement change. To vote is one’s civic duty. Voting has been such a struggle for many marginalized groups for so many years. To not vote, in my opinion, would be to disrespect those who fought so hard for all to be able to vote. My family came here from Ecuador, and it was a long and difficult process to become citizens; however, they always tell me to be active in politics. They understand that, as citizens, we are born with something so many covet; to waste or take it for granted would be a waste.”
He shares a similar sentiment with many young voters who feel unrepresented in Washington in that he understands the way to change the country is to make his voice heard through his vote. “I know that many young people feel neither party appeals to them or they don’t see the point of voting. I can agree with the first part; I’m an independent because I feel as if my beliefs are not specific to one party, or even one candidate. But, I can attest to the fact that voting is extremely important. I was stunned to read a statistic showing that an extremely low number of eligible voters actually cast their ballots in the 2022 midterms. It’s easy in such a large country to feel that your vote may not count, but it’s so far from the truth. So many elections are close calls, and so many elections are won and lost by small margins. Voting, especially voting for what you strongly believe in, is a great way to inspire change. So, I encourage everyone who will be able to participate in the 2024 election, to vote. Vote for what you are passionate about, and your vote will go a long way in ensuring the future of those ideals which you hold near and dear.”
Another Senior at Prep, Nicolas Skabich, strongly believes in the importance of voting. “Personally, I feel voting is a civic responsibility of every US citizen. Through voting, one may change the outcome of elections and influence the issues politicians are focusing on. Because of this, I feel it is imperative that seniors at Prep vote whether by early voting, through the mail, or in person: practicing their civic duties and responsibilities as US citizens. If one does not know where to vote, many online resources and tools can be used to find their local polling station. One can also apply for a vote-by-mail application. Although I am unable to vote in this election, I still strongly believe in the voting process and will be exercising this right next year.”
Ultimately, the Petroc wishes to exemplify the importance of voting, especially for young people and the seniors at Prep.